Saturday, May 9, 2009

2009 VFP National Convention

The 24th Veterans For Peace National Convention is Aug. 5 – 9 at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD. Come for a day of workshops ($75), two days of workshops ($150) or the full program ($200, if register by June 1). To register, go to

Workshop topics include GI Rights and GI Advocacy, Counter Recruiting, Torture, War Profiteering, Winter Soldier hearings, Women’s Voices, Vets 4 Vets, VFP’s Mission and many more. Learn how, as veterans, we can do more to address the widening war in Afghanistan/Pakistan, as well as the war in Iraq that is supposed to be winding down.

At the 2008 Convention, VFP passed a resolution calling for: “the government of the United States to immediately withdraw all military and intelligence forces from Afghanistan and Pakistan; to provide humanitarian aid directly to the people of Afghanistan, in non-coercive forms, to help the Afghan people rebuild their own nation and their lives in cooperation with other nations in the region; and to allow the people of Afghanistan to freely determine their own government without interference by the US.”

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