Monday, October 5, 2009

VFP Leaders Arrested at White House

Three-fourths of the VFP Executive Committee arrested along with others in DC today

Dear Colleagues,

VFP President Mike Ferner, Vice President Leah Bolger, and Treasurer Ken Mayers were all arrested in front of the White House today while standing vigil over three mock coffins draped with US, Afgan, and Iraq flags. Other VFP members arrested included Mike Hearington, Jim
Goodnow, Tarak Kauf, Tom Palombo and Louis Wolf. VFP Executive Director Michael McPhearson, along with Colonel Ann Wright and members of the capital area VFP chapters also supported the protest. The VFP members were among 65 arrestees who included Kathy Kelly, Liz McAlister, and Cindy Sheehan among others. All those arrested were taken to the National Park Police Headquarters, booked, and released. They now have 14 days in which to reappear at the National Park Police Headquarters either to pay their $100 fines or to obtain a court date.

Along with Veterans for Peace, a broad range of affinity groups, such as the Atlantic Life Community, Witness Against Torture, Veterans for Peace, World Can’t Wait, and Activist Response Team had members arrested. Other groups fully endorsing the action and participating were Peace Action, Code Pink, the War Resisters’ League, and Student
Peace Action Network.

The protest called for withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan, ending the illegal bombing with US drones, including neighboring Pakistan, and the closing of the Bagram prison and ending indefinite detention and torture. We called for an end to these wars and
occupations, including that of Iraq, so that our resources can be used for life-sustaining actions including the funding and the rebuilding of Afghanistan’s and Iraq’s infrastructure and medical assistance to Afghans and Iraqis, in addition to poverty reduction programs in the United States and world wide. We continue to call for accountability for those who have committed war crimes.

Kenneth Mayers
Veterans for Peace - Santa Fe
Wage Peace!

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