Grassroots Peace
A Guide for Engaging
"Don't say it can't be done."
--Pete Seeger, “Take it from Dr. King"
"Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures."
--John F. Kennedy, Speech to United Nations, Sept. 20, 1963
Here are some suggestions for extending networks of peace actions based on work done in Bergen County , NJ and elsewhere:
1. Costs of War exhibit/posters/flyers
2. Combat Paper/Warrior Writers workshops/events
Further information: and
3. Film showings/guest speakers with panel discussions
4. Billboards with peace messages
5. Peace vigils, demonstrations and related activities
For example:
6. Letters to editors in local newspapers
7. Meetings with members of Congress
8. “Peace Is Patriotic” contingents in Memorial Day/ July 4th/ Labor Day/ Veterans Day/ Martin Luther King Jr. Day parades
9. Poetry/music events by war veterans, families and peace supporters
10. Resolutions to bring troops and military funding home from Afghanistan and Iraq – by municipal councils, county and state legislatures
11. Networking with community/social justice groups
12. Guest speakers in school and college classes
13. Information tables/booths at festivals and other events
14. Facebook page/website/blog on local actions for peace
Compiled by:
Military Families Speak Out, Bergen County
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 21 NJ