Thursday, June 23, 2011

Grassroots Peace Actions Guide

Grassroots Peace 


A Guide for Engaging 


"Don't say it can't be done."
--Pete Seeger, “Take it from Dr. King"

"Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures."
--John F. Kennedy, Speech to United Nations, Sept. 20, 1963

Here are some suggestions for extending networks of peace actions based on work done in Bergen County, NJ and elsewhere:

1. Costs of War exhibit/posters/flyers

2. Combat Paper/Warrior Writers workshops/events

3. Film showings/guest speakers with panel discussions

4. Billboards with peace messages

5. Peace vigils, demonstrations and related activities

6. Letters to editors in local newspapers

7. Meetings with members of Congress

8. “Peace Is Patriotic” contingents in Memorial Day/ July 4th/ Labor Day/ Veterans Day/ Martin Luther King Jr. Day parades

9. Poetry/music events by war veterans, families and peace supporters

10. Resolutions to bring troops and military funding home from Afghanistan and Iraq – by municipal councils, county and state legislatures

11. Networking with community/social justice groups

12. Guest speakers in school and college classes

13. Information tables/booths at festivals and other events

14. Facebook page/website/blog on local actions for peace

Compiled by:
Military Families Speak Out, Bergen County
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 21 NJ

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