Monday, January 5, 2009

Investigate Iraq War Crimes

We, the members of the Alan Reilly-Gene Glazer Chapter 21 of Veterans for Peace, New Jersey, at our January 3, 2009 meeting, voted to endorse a resolution that the Iraq War was an illegal and immoral invasion and occupation, whereas, all those responsible should and must be held accountable as per the Nuremberg Principles and International Law.

Therefore, we strongly urge that the national leadership of Veterans for Peace and all chapters take up this matter and make it an immediate priority. Furthermore, we call upon the leadership of Veterans for Peace to petition the President of the United States to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the war crimes of the Bush administration.


awais said...

it is bad and must stop
Obama have sent more CIA back balack water so dont break international crimes.

awais said...

it is bad and must stop
Obama have sent more CIA back balack water so dont break international crimes.